A Head Start: Where We Come From

We have achieved a lot since the taxlawfactory GmbH was founded in December 2016. We manage digital and analogue projects for our clients in the fields of law firm marketing, legal communication strategies, business models and design. Today we take the next big step!

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A Head Start: Where We Come From

When taxlawfactory GmbH was entered in the Commercial Register of Basel-Land Canton on 21 December 2016, it was like an early Christmas present for me as founder. My anticipation was great, even if the step into the unknown was of course somewhat frightening.

We have achieved a lot since the foundation. For our clients we manage projects in the areas of knowledge management, translations, marketing and web design. Both the number and scope of the projects we have completed have far exceeded my original expectations. Of course I am very proud that we have succeeded in achieving a high level of customer satisfaction and generating follow-up orders. We have also strengthened our team in the past. On 1 January 2018, lawyer Larissa Wyss joined taxlawfactory as a partner and head of our Translation Services.

After a good year and a half, we are taking the next big step today, 15 August 2018. The taxlawfactory GmbH will change its name and will be called HeadStarterz GmbH with immediate effect. We are not only giving ourselves a new name and a new face, but will also receive a new name with Tobias Steinemann also a new competent partner for our team.  

Die graphische Komponente dieser Umstrukturierung wird noch einen kleinen Moment dauern. Die Ausarbeitung unserer neuen visuellen Identität läuft – in Zusammenarbeit mit Noëmi Wüthrich von Studio w+e – auf Hochtouren und wir programmieren fleissig an unserer neuen Webseite. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch unser neues Gesicht am 17. September 2018 auf unserer Webseite (www.headstarterz.com) präsentieren zu können. Bereits jetzt findet ihr dort eine provisorische Übergangs-Webseite mit den wichtigsten Infos und News. Selbstverständlich sind wir auch während des aktuellen Re-Brandings weiterhin wie gewohnt und ohne Einschränkung für euch da!

It is our goal to achieve an even clearer positioning of our company and our services in the market with this re-launch. Essentially, we are continuing what we started with taxlawfactory as HeadStarterz . It is our mission to create essential links for service companies and thereby generate a competitive edge in the market. In doing so, it is particularly important to shorten distances and create proximity.

Proximity on the one hand in the external relationship: service providers, for example law firms, often communicate with their customers in a rather one-sided and distanced way. There are numerous ways in which this communication can be transformed into a mutual exchange. The targeted use of technology, an optimised web presence or technically flawless translations help to enter into a dialogue with one's own clientele. This not only promotes mutual understanding, but also sales.

Service companies also benefit from greater proximity and exchange within the company. The knowledge and experience of employees is the greatest capital for these companies. It is therefore obvious that the successful service providers of tomorrow will make the greatest possible profit from this asset. Particularly in market segments where clients are looking for experience and efficiency, service providers can no longer afford not to manage their existing knowledge optimally. People are at the heart of our Knowledge Management Services. As knowledge carriers, they are the basis for this success. It is a matter of creating tailor-made processes to avoid working in silos and to promote mutual exchange. The targeted use of technology can also help here. We are against blind digitisation, but we are convinced that automating certain work steps can be useful.

In these areas our team has a broad wealth of experience. Past projects prove us right. With Tobias Steinemann another strong partner joins our team. Tobias and I have already studied together for the bachelor exams and have known each other for a long time. After passing the bar exam Tobias worked for two years each as a practicing business lawyer and as a leading in-house lawyer. Tobias also has an MBA with a specialisation in marketing (HEC Paris) and an LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law (Stellenbosch, South Africa).

The three of us now dare to (advance) into this new section. We are convinced that we can support you even better in this constellation.  

I would like to thank everyone who has supported me since the start of taxlawfactory. Together with my team I wish you and us a successful and exciting cooperation with a fresh face.

Philipp Roth
